"I'm A Survivor & So Are You!"

I am a Survivor & So Are You!Category: LifeThis morning preparing to start my day... I took a moment and thought about everything God has brought me out of and I can say "I am truly a Survivor!" God has brought me out of some painful situations. He's brought me out of poverty, insecurities, fears, sickness, a divorce, etc... I been through it all!... You see I know what it feels like to not know where your next meal is coming from. I know what it feels like to be homeless, I know what it feels like to be rejected & abandoned. I know what it feels like to feel like your losing your mind. And through it all I say again... "I am a Survivor!" I went to school for lunch because there was no food at home. As a child I questioned... "Is there Really A God & if so... why am I suffering so??" I went through mental & physical abuse and I just wanted to die... God couldn't possibly be real "So I thought!" As I teenager I tried to end my life... "Why continue to suffer?" I didn't feel love from my family and I couldn't receive the Love that God had for me. So as you see "I've been through some things!" There was alcohol, drugs, poverty and violence all around me. I couldn't see any hope for my life. Even though I doubted God I still whispered a silent pray... "Lord if you are real save me from this life of continual pain and suffering.... " Soon after my heart began to soften... I was drawn toward God and His word. My love for God is so deep and real that it scares me sometimes. I can't explain the love that I have for Him. I know without Him I am nothing at all! He's done so much in my life that I can't tell it all! There's absolutely no compromising when it comes to my relationship with God! I have to stay connected to Him or I will surely die! You see satan hated me from birth... He tried so much to stop me from serving God. He tried so much to break me down. He didn't want me to grab hold to God or His word. There has been so many prophetic words spoken over my life and I'm seeing them come to pass. My heart is soft, real and true. I love God for real and I love His people. I am so sensitive that I never want to offend God or any of His people. I have compassion toward lost & hurting people. It took me going through hell... just to say "I am a Survivor and so are YOU!!" It doesn't matter what you've been through... allow God to use it for His Glory! My pain didn't stop there... I went through a painful divorce.. I recall the day I had to put my home up for sale. Can you imagine people walking through your house that you believed God blessed you with? I saw people driving off with things I worked hard to purchase. Back at work I sat in my office for hours and I cried until my eyes were swollen. At the time I was overseeing a Crisis Shelter. I came out of my office to enter the staff lounge and I whispered to God.. "Lord I don't even know where I am going to live!" I heard Him speak to my spirit and He said... "Now, you know how they feel!" It was then that I realized no matter what I faced "God will always be with me". I realized that my pain will always be used for the upbuilding of His Kingdom! You see, I can get on anyones level... because I've been on every level. I can now reach those that I wouldn't be able to reach if I didn't go through some pain & suffering. I don't have time for pity, sadness, or a victim mentality! I don't associate with people that are victims (unless I am ministering or counseling them). My Covenant Relationships consist of people who's been through hell and back. For They Are Surviors! Yes, they've been through but by the Grace of God, they've came out "With The Victory!"You see Jesus went through some painful situations, he was rejected, abandoned, mistreated, talked about, spit on, lied on... shall I go on?? That's why He can understand when we're hurting, rejected, depressed etc... because He's been there too. I encourage you on this week to "Praise God" for every trial He's brought you out of. You're no longer a victim... For you are a Survivor! Okay, so you say.. "Well, Virginia you don't know what I've been through?" Yes, you're right but God does! He loves you greatly and He can turn your pain into Power (if you allow Him to!) So, make the devil out of a liar and take back your life.. "For Your Future Is Great!" Learn from your past, for they can teach you great lessons in life.*Allow God to Expand Your Territory on This Week!Until Next Time,Virginia/TrailBlazers
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