"Can He Carry You?"

"Can He Carry You?"Category: Romance and RelationshipsMany women are believing God for that special someone to be a part of their lives... For better for worse.. For richer or poorer.. through sickness & in health! Yes, I am talking about marriage here. But let's go a little deeper and answer this question.. "Can He Carry You?" Sadly, many settle for less when God has promised them the best! You want a quick anybody just to have someone next to you in bed. Yes... I'm going deep here so hold on!! You must realize your worth and value. For your price is far above rubies and you're not a cheap gold chain. I ask you the question again... "Can He Carry You?" Is he strong enough to hold you up when you fall? "Can he take instructions from the Lord without running for the boarder?" "Can He keep a JOB!" God didn't tell you to raise Him or be his mother! He told you to be his helpmate!!! So, please tell me why I hear so many horror stories of women taking care of a grown man?... He needs to GET A J.O.B! It doesn't matter if he has to flip burgers for the time being... "It's a Paycheck!" Understand.. He may be flipping burgers now... but honey you keep building him up and soon He'll be running the company!! There is something powerful about a woman who can speak life into her husband. I don't care if he's dumping trash for a living.. You continue to build him up and before you know it.. His vision for his life will enlarge!! "I ask you again.."Can He Carry You?" I once heard a message by Bishop George Bloomer.... He talked about the woman eagle... She would drop branch after branch from the tree starting with a little branch. Every time she dropped the branch, the male eagle would swoop down and catch the branch. He would then return the branch to the female eagle. She would continue to test his strength over and over, while increasing the weight of the branch... She was testing his strength to see if was able to catch her!! What's amazing to me is.. A female eagle has more wisdom in regards to picking her future mate then most women. And please let me expose this lie from satan... You can't change that man... IF he didn't want to work before the marriage. Why would he want to keep a job after the marriage? I've heard woman say... "He don't want to work!" I ask them if this was a problem before they said I do.. And of course the answer is always yes. So, why put yourself through the pain of carrying the load yourself? Is his credit messed up? Has he spreaded his seed all over town? I mean really ask these questions... if he can't be faithful to other women why would he be faithful to you?? Women Let's BE SMART WOMEN! God has given us alot of intelligence and let's begin to use it!! So the next time you're in awe of someone ask yourself this question.. "What would the female Eagle do in this situation?" Remember your worth the investment and you're worth the wait!!Love & Care,Virginia G. Howard /TrailBlazers
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