Redeeming The Time...

Redeeming The Time...Category: LifeHave you noticed how fast time is going?? I mean it was just June 1, a couple of weeks ago and now it's June 14, 2008. Boy, time is passing us by... So what are you doing with the time you have left? We must realize that we are granted a certain amount of time here on earth. My time is different from your time unless we are caught up (those who have accepted Jesus as Lord!) to meet our Savior! "That's going to be a GREAT DAY!!"God has given ALL of us an assignment here on earth! Now, you have to find out what your assignment is in order to be fulfilled. All of our assignments are different and the only way you'll find yours is by getting connected with the Father. Many are completing the wrong assignments... They are empty, stressed out, frustrated, just plain sick & tired of being sick and tired. You were created by God to make an impact in this world. Are you making a difference in the world? Are you leaving an inheritance for your children & those after them? Are you making History? You have been equipped by God to take dominion (Supreme authority or control) here on earth. You are chosen, pick out and appointed to take over! It is ashame to mention how many believers are throwing in the towels and calling it quits! You can't quit... God has given you the tools (His Word) and now's the time to get busy!! What do you dream about? What are your desires? How do you see your future? Habakkuk 2:2 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald (or so that whoever reads it) may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Are you writing your vision? Can you see yourself there already? Are you speaking your vision daily? or Are you cursing your vision? During a counseling group session I had the ladies to create a vision poster. They were given magazines, posters, scissors, pens and told to dream big... They were excited about their visions posters! Some dreamed of having their families restored, while others dreamed of going back to school; etc. I didn't let them have all the fun... because I joined in. That session was 3yrs ago and I still have my poster hanging in my closet. Everyday I walk in my closet and thank I God for His vision for my life. And by the grace of God.. He's allowed me to accomplish some of my dreams. Some of the dreams/vision we have were given by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Give God the opportunity to make some changes as He see fits. Don't get sidetracked... remember He's in control not you! Allow Him to bring forth the vision for your life. We have things locked up on the inside of us and they're screaming to be let out! What are you going to do with the time you have left here on earth? Tomorrow's not promised to any of us!! Dream Big... Enlarge Your Vision for Your Life! Dare To Trust God at His Word!Timing is ticking away.... I ask you again... "What are you going to do with the time you have left here on earth??Until Next Time,Virginia TrailBlazers
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