Complete YES

I woke up this Saturday Morning that past and I said enough is enough. I have had up before the Lord the businesses He has entrusted to me. Doing the things He requires and a full time job was not lining up for me.Now this is my story I am not telling anyone to go and do this. It really has to be GOD. He is using the foolish things known to man to show that He Is GOD and there is no one like Him.So, with having the things God has given me before Him and at His feet. I woke up Saturday got dressed and went to the job. I decided that I was living. I felt so heavy. There is more to the story but not enough time. But when I got in the parking lot I said you know what it will either be them or me. I choose me! I wrote a letter stating in so many words "Due to unforeseen issues I am releasing myself from this job".I learned in this experience when you give GOD a complete YES no one or anything can stop you from your destiny. Each person here will have there own testimony.God has entrusted each person here with a business, gift, idea, or talent it is up to you to hear HIS VOICE! not your own but HIS VOICE and move quickly.With God there is unlimited supply so just trust that HE will take care of you. I have learned how to say YES to Him through the way I live my life. God has no limits so why should I.The blessings are in the PRESS. If you don't know how to PRESS you will always be someone’s victim.If you have people around you that don't want to see you fulfilled your destiny LET THEM GO! They are dead weights.Continue To Press and thank you so much for your support!
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