Being a Woman“Get to know me before you judge me”“I change for only one man”“I’m special. There’s no one else made like me”“A mother’s strength keeps the family together. A wife’s strength stands all types of marital weather. A woman’s strength takes on life’s challenges with her head held high”“You’ll never fully understand me unless you live my life”“I maybe a lot of things but perfect is not one of them”“I don’t want to walk behind my man; I want to walk beside him”“Don’t be intimidated because I am a strong woman. I’m just simply in control of my life”“Don’t love me for what you see. Love me for all the things unseen”“This is the life I was given. You can love me with all my flaws and baggage or not love me at all”“I don’t need a man to make me a woman. I need a man to compliment me as we compliment each other”“Before I became a wife and mother, I was a woman.”“I don’t need a birthday or holiday to celebrate who I am. I just need some respect”“You can look as good as you want on the outside but it’s the inside that shows the most”“Yes a mother can raise a man. She can teach him how to treat a woman”