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  • Yes I think its very important for us to support all minortiy business owners not just women owned business but our brothers as well. Its seems within our own community we rather shop at macy or bloomingdales and give them ALLyour money but when it comes to black owned business and espcially black vendors you want to try and haggle the price or just not see a black business owner grow. Meanwhile macy and bloomingdales you give your money to freely and dont bother to ask the price.

    I also think that our Black Business Owner need to step ther game up and be more professional and get it together. If you see the combination and you like what they have to sell just support them. Remember real good jobs comes from the private sector...............Or you can just watch your job go to CHINA. It all start with us other community keep their dollars in their communities to keep building for there next generation so its easier to open and start business why? Because the support is there.

    Think About It
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