I registered in the Avon Breast Cancer walkathon to support my aunt whose 36 years old and have been battling with breast cancer for 3 years... She a mother of 4 year old triplets... She was told on friday that she might not make it but i don't believe it.. with alot of prayer and support i hope everything can turn out for the best... She is like a mother to me she help take care of me..She was there for the birth of my kids i have 3 by the way... I just want to support her and all the breast cancer patients and survivors.. I believe this the enemy disease andd i refuse to let him win... I'm calling everybody please help me out and donate to me... Please send me all your emails and i'll send you a link to my website.... THANK YOU....Denise.... I CARE TO INFORM EVEYBODY THAT MY AUNT LOST HER BATTLE WITH BREAST CANCER ON 3/19/08 AND WAS LAYED TO REST ON 3/29/08... IN HER HONOR I WILL WALK IN HER SHOES THIS MAY AT THE AVON'S BREAST CANCER 2 DAY WALK... MY EMAIL IS GEMINI_AGENCY2008@YAHOO.COM IF YOU WANT TO DONATE TO ME LEAVE ME YOUR EMAIL AND I'LL FORWARD YOU THE LINK.... THANK YOU
i really appreciate that Ms. Trudi.. i care to inform you that my aunt died on march 19,2008 @1:21pm she was layed to rest on saturday that just past... she leave behind her beautiful triplets who will be 5 years old next month and her memories that we shall share with them...