“True forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past could have been different.”The idea for So Above Mistress started when we were in a very low place. Our husbands cheated, and we moved in together. Our husbands did us wrong, but we were the one’s struggling. You know we had it bad when we had to go grocery shopping in other people’s refrigerators. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know I was angry. I felt that my whole life had been taken from me because my husband wanted to have a mistress. I remember sitting in our living room discussing our situation, and the heart ache that we felt. I said “you break it; you buy it,” and Angie came back with “Alimony”. That statement stuck in our minds, and we went the next week to get it on a welcome mat. There was something about seeing that mat every day that made us feel good. For the first time, we were able to laugh at our situation.That one saying turned into a number of sayings. We realized that there were other women in the world that felt the way that we did, and that we should share our ideas with the world. We started our business and haven’t looked back since. The words So Above Mistress have taken on a life of its own. So Above Mistress is no longer just the name of our business, it is the definition of who we are.So Above Mistress is exactly what the name says; knowing that you are better than just being the other woman. I know hate is a strong word, but I hate mistresses. Being a woman gives us power. We have the pussy, we make the rules. It angers me to see women lower themselves for a man, especially when the man belongs to someone else. I have no respect for women who don’t respect themselves. I’m sorry, but if you are willing to give yourself to a married man, to me you’re worthless. I don’t care what he said to you or how he made you feel. The moment that he tells you he’s married, you need to walk away.There are good men out there; I know a few great ones. Women get so caught up in trying to find a man; they accept whatever man they can get. I’m better than that, and if that makes me better than you, so be it. Either I’m number one, or I’m nothing at all. If a man has a wife, it should tell you two big things right away; he lies and he cheats. If you are still willing to entertain a relationship with a married man, maybe you should ask yourself what’s wrong with you. Are you too simple to have a complete thought and figure it out?Men play games, lie, and are full of shit a lot of the time. We have an advantage because we know the game. We created the game! Do not allow your emotions to get in the way of common sense. I am starting to learn that common sense is not so common anymore. If you’re a young girl trying to play in a real woman’s world, you have to first be able to understand how a man thinks. Pick up the book, “The Ultimate Guide on How to Cheat on Your Woman”, by Kurin Keys. This book will give you a real insight on why men do the things that they do. For real woman, there is nothing in the book that we don’t already know; but it’s always good to brush up on our skills. The game is forever changing. For young woman, (girls, hoes, mistresses … whatever) get it, study it, know it! If you know the game, you can’t get played.The first question you should ask a man when he approaches you is, “are you single”? If he hesitates, he’s lying. If he says that he is in a relationship that is all you need to know. You can continue a conversation with him, but that’s as far as it should go. Do not listen to the story about how bad things are at home. It doesn’t matter. Do not allow him to disrespect the union that he has created. That is his business and his life. If he is able to tell you that he is with someone else and you entertain the conversation, he won. Change the conversation and move on. Believe it or not, a man will respect you more for walking away.I am so sick of young minded females, and I am tired of hearing girls say stupid things about as long as they are number one in their man’s life, they’re happy. Ok simpleton, being number one doesn’t stop you from getting STDs from numbers two and three. Stop making excuses for these men! It’s not about him; it’s about you. What about being the only one? Real woman deserve the throne. Little girls play princess so that they can one day become the queen. Any other position is a waste of time.So Above Mistress is a state of mind. It is the way you carry yourself. It’s not about how loud you can get or how often you say you want respect. How many times have you seen a woman in public yelling at someone about how they want to be treated? I see it almost every time I go out. It makes me sick to see a female lose control like that. Yelling in public proves nothing, but your ignorance. So Above mistress is about your swagger. It’s in your eye contact, your walk, your talk, and your whole attitude. A lady is always a lady. Step up and be the woman that you were meant to be. Don’t ask for respect, demand it!
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