I've done some updating to my websites. Come check them out!First,Ladies Inspirational Growth has been updated with a new ministry, new ladies speak statement and new scriptures. Ladies, we all need inspiration in our lives so check out the site and be inspired! http://ladiesinspirationalgrowth.webs.comDon't forget about our sister site: http://ladiesofchristproverbs31.ning.com/I have also added a blog to Take the Challenge...I Dare you! I hope you are have decided to take the challenge. I am doing it myself a long with some friends and I have really learned a lot about myself. So check out the site and take the challenge. Everybody has something they need to work on in their life! Don't forget about the forums! http://takethechalleange.webs.com/Lastly, I have updated my Inspirational Ministries website with a new ministry called "Don't be Doubtful." Check it out here : http://inspirationalministries.webs.com/I have a lot going on. There are so many places you can go to be inspired. Now is a time for us to challenge ourselves and start living for God. The world is crazy and we need protection from all the devil is bring to us! So check out the sites. Be sure to sign up for newsletters on all of the sites or the ones that interests you the most!I hope to hear from you soon!God Bless, Dominique!