The Wealth Mindset

Greetings Ladies!One of the most common areas that people express dissatisfaction to me is the area of finances. It seems that more and more in these times of recession, black women are feeling "left out" of the circle of wealth. The idea of wealth seems elusive to so many people and in turn causes frustration and feelings of anxiety. While it is normal to want to live a life of abundance, what is becoming less blank is the willingness to develop the mindset of abundance. Too many times, we feel that wealth simply falls into the laps of a few lucky people and that we have no influence on whether or not we are one of the chosen few. This idea could not be further from the truth.In a recent article by Elon Bomani, she clarifys the true interpretation of wealth- "Wealth is the idea of having more than enough. It is an abundance of tangible and intangible assets. You can have a wealth of health, a wealth of knowledge and a wealth of material goods. Accumulating wealth in one area of your life has a domino effect of creating wealth in all other areas of your life according to the law of cause and effect. In other words, within you are all the resources you need, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to manifest worth in your life." If we accept this definition, we are essentially taking responsibilty and ownership for our own ability to produce wealth.Some of the ways that Bomani advocates producing wealth into our lives and creating a wealth mindset, are thinking wealthy, speaking wealthy and associating with wealthy people. She goes on to say that "by doing so, you will manifest a wealthy outcome. It truly is that simple." I couldn't agree more. Ask yourself the following questions -What is my interpretation of what wealthy people think? If you aren't sure, do some research. Who are the top three people that you admire for their wealth and success? What are their thoughts? What are the daily words I am speaking about wealth in my own life and the lives of others? Are your words mostly negative? How can you turn those words around into positive statements? Who are the people that I surround myself with? Are you taking financial/business advise from broke people?It is important that we begin to realize exactly how important our thoughts are in creating and maintaining a wealthy and abundant lifestyle. The Universe will only give back to us that in which we put fort
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