Calling in sick...

I was so excited to start my blog to document the journey of my business. I thought for a while about what my first topic would be. And the only thing on my mind right that I can't call in sick. It's one of the "luxuries" of working for someone else that I hadn't realized I gave up - until this morning. So, here I sit at my desk, with a cup of tea and a big box of Puffs. Calls must be made, meetings need to be kept.It just reminds me of the importance of taking care of my physical health. The business doesn't run if I'm laid up in bed for the day. I'm just grateful that I don't feel too badly. So maybe everything on the "to do" list won't get done. And I may need a mid-day nap. But for now...I'm off to prepare for a conference call.
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  • What do you mean no more sick days?! Ha Ha Ha Most of the time I used my sick days for stress release days and can't take it anymore days, so if I can give up having stress to make someone else money then I am all for giving up my sick days (smile) LOL
  • Oh yes, I can relate. I have had to set boundaries so that I don't go crazy. I hired a VA to work 5 hours a month for me and I take on a limited amount of clients per month.

    Today is one of those days when I have project looming and I just want to sleep.
  • Being a business owner is definitely another ball game. I learned the importance of creating processes in my business so that I'm not constantly feeling overwhelmed. Something as simple as establishing contact hours for your clients or having set times for checking voicemail/email can work wonders in your business.
  • I can definitely relate to this one. At times I feel so overwhelmed, with so many web projects I'm ON all the time and when I do take those 'me day's - my inbox gets SO filled with emails. The crazy thing is, at least with a 9-5, I know I'm only working 5 days a week. When your an entprepreneur you neither have sick days or regular hours. BUT as you said, if you don't work you don't get paid so it's always important to stay focused, and get the work done. But as I am learning the hard way, it is equally important to take care of your HEALTH and of course your family. So setting up a better work schedule is definitely on my to do list!
  • See this is the kind of problem that I cant wait to have LOL....How long is it till my Emancipation Day?

    Hope that you feel better.
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