Loving Yourself

If someone asked you if you love yourself, what would your answer be? Most young people will quickly answer yes without giving any thought to what it means to show themselves real love. So many of the teens that I meet talk about being in love with someone else, but when I ask them if they love themselves, they are often left speechless and confused.Loving yourself means accepting yourself for who and what you are right now. It means letting go of the past and being confident enough to trust that you will find the path to a bright future. Criticism and negativity are the enemies of self-love. When you are overly critical of yourself and hold on to negative feelings, you will remain stuck in a cycle that is being driven by your own negative thoughts. Until you silence that negativity, and show yourself UNCONDITIONAL love, you will never be able to heal yourself and move forward.Self-love is an issue for many of the teens that I meet. They go from one relationship to the next, each time giving more and more of themselves, and getting very little in return. They often ask me what they are doing wrong, and my answer is always the same: your relationships WILL NOT succeed unless you love yourself FIRST. When you love yourself, you demand the highest levels of respect and treatment from others. Your love for yourself will not allow you to accept less than what you know you deserve. Once you begin loving yourself, not only will your relationships with others improve, but you will also be comfortable enough with yourself to know that you do not need to be in a relationship to be happy.Loving yourself can end the pain that comes from rejection, lost relationships, low self-esteem, a troubled past, etc. With a love for yourself, you are able to put the past behind you and move forward without fear. Instead of judging yourself, learn to love yourself. Appreciate yourself for who you are and know that you deserve only the best that life has to offer!Courtneywww.guideourgirls.ning.com
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