Let's get Started!


Ok Ladies, I figured I would start with how I got started in this business:In January of 2007 a friend of mine from High School approached me with the idea of starting my own Pure Romance business, at the time I was working full-time as a Program Manager for a National Non-Profit organization and while I loved the work, the woman I worked from was making my daily life miserable and I needed something else.This friend, knowing my preoccupation with both sex and money, figured this would be the perfect fit for me...and she was RIGHT! :o) I went over all the information she had provided me and purchased the smallest starter kit available ($250) on February 2nd and went for it! One month later I hosted my first party in my home for some friends and family and at the end of the night, not only had I had fun but I had $600 in profit in my pocket for 3 hours of work...I knew I had found something almost too good to be true.Now, while I have had a lot of parties over the last year and a half and the money has been great, I have also had a lot of satisfaction in opening the minds of a lot of women when it comes to the many taboo topics that I talk about during my parties. Many women are conditioned to think of sex as something we are only good at and/or enjoy if were are loose or trampy, while a man is considered a stud and a "real man" if he does the same! Pure Romance parties are about teaching women to love themselves and love their partners in many different ways. Sex is something different to everyone and one the things I love about the products is that they cater to all: straight, gay, and everything in between.
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  • I enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing.
  • congrats !!!!
  • I bet your business is a fun one. Enjoy the journey.
  • Congrats to you and your business! Wacthing out for your success

    Lexus Events

  • Thank you for letting us know what sparked you to start. I think what I like about your story, and am excited to hear more about is how one can really and practically join work at home franchises like Pure Romance, Warm Spirit, Avon, etc. and turn it into their own lucrative business. I definitely think it takes a lot of people skills to do what you do. As the woman behind the computer, I am clearly in a different field of work. But everyone has their 'skill' right!

    I am also eager to hear more about your business as a whole and how you have reached out to other women of color, exposing them to the possibilities of working with Pure Romance.

    It is also eye opening to know that not only are you selling projects and throwing parties, there is also an aspect of sex education / sex therapy that goes on at your events. Not everyone is comfortable in their own skin, so I can imagine what it might sometimes take to get folks to open, relax, and try something new....

    Anyhoo, thanks for the post. Can't wait for the next one.
  • Kudos! Much continued success to you! Welcome to the bbwo!

    Itiel McVay
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