The start of my story

Hello ladies,My reason why I decided to start my own business. I have always as my mother said had a problem with authority LOL. I just do not like having to answer to some one else. I have recently started my virtual assistance businessat because I wanted to work from home. I am a single mom of a beautiful 7 year old little girl, who I also home school. I did not want to work outside the home and was absolutely committed to finding a way and am still in the process. I have also decided to get in on the online entrepreneruism; to have mutilple sites bringing in mutiple streams of income and have it be portable. I am going to be participating in the 30 day challenge that has been successful at teaching people how to make their first $10.00 dollars online. Perhaps you have heard the saying if you can make $10.00 then you can make $100.00,$1000.00 and so on and so on,etc. You can check out the 30 day challenge site at Click Here.

. I would love company so if you feel like it go ahead and check it out and join and let me know. I will be sharing my journey in the thirty day challenge along with any business or lifestyle information, that helps me have a successful VA and Online business and balance raising my daughter. I am also posting at my personal blog at I hope eveyone has a great day. Blessings and Dream Bigger,Tracey
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  • Just saw that I miss worded my comment. I was trying to say that Virtual Assisting is HOT! A service business is a great way to start online and make a decent income.

    I started with affiliate marketing and creating my own info products. While it brought in some income, it was slow going. This past April I decided to start a content writing service business after watching my family suffer too much and my husband have to work 16 hour days. I was making my weekly goal by the second week.
  • Thank you for sharing your beginnings with us. I also want to be a stay at home, work at home momma and I think if we want it we derserve to have it! It's time we are free to spend more time with our children. That's way I created the Black Moms Club, as we need to find more spaces for ourselves.

    But on another note - I am curious to hear more about your 30 Day Challenge and find out if other sisters participate with you.

    Good luck and stay motivated!
  • Tracey,

    I am also a home-schooling mother of two girls. I am looking forward to learning more about you and your journey.

    I will look into also.

    Itiel McVay
    Smell Goods '98
  • Virtual Assisting is not and you are well one your way.
  • Hey Tracy, cant wait to read about your journey. Congrats!

    Lexus Events

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