Can you answer that question?Do you know how to spell love to a women?Getting up on Monday morning to go work. Well it's not a majorhealth problem, but headaches and heart attacks happens onMonday morning by people who hate going to a J.O.B.**********************Just Over Broke**********************Work plays a powerful role in people's lives and exerts animportant influence on their well-being. Since the 1960s, paidwork has occupied an increasing proportion of most people'slives. Although employment can be an exciting challenge for manyindividuals, it can also be a tremendous source of stress.Consequently, as work makes more and more demands on time andenergy, individuals are increasingly exposed to both thepositive and negative aspects of employment. The relationshipbetween work and mental and physical health may also contributeto career adjustment as well as to the productivity.Once upon a time, you spent $25,000 to $100,000 and went tocollege to learn and to be trained on how to be employed. Thenyou signed on the dotted line, slung the chain with your ID cardpinched to it around your neck, your new employer trained you,nurtured you, paid for your car and your babies being born andthey then showed you a ladder leaning upagainst the wall and shouted at you, "go climb!"Circa 1953 to 1977As long as you didn't drop the ball and make too many mistakes,you were safe and you could retire in glory. You didn't have toworry about your career and the notion of having numeroustransitional career changes, back then---would have sounded likea bad joke.But again, this was the last century and over twenty-five yearsago. Your father remembers those old days.Ask Your Parents About ThisBack in the day, the company would take care of you, justiceand hard work would prevail and loyalty----going bothways---were the highest of corporate values.Think about this. In this day and time you spend $100,000 forcollege only to get a job paying $45,000.*********************First of The Month*********************How often do you find yourself feeling as though everyday is thefirst of the month.Seem like you can never get ahead. Even your bills got bills.For some people caller ID is a gift from God. Phonering....don't answer, it's a bill collector.*****************Your Home Away From Home*******************Ok, you know you got to make more money. More money, lessstress, happier home.How many hours though? 60-70-80 or more. Are you spending moretime at work than home. Do you know more about your co-worker's spouselife than your's?Your choice of work DICTATES your lifestyle:WHERE you work dictates how long your commute is.Where you work dictates how much time you give your kidsWHERE you work dictates, are you tolerated or celebrated?Where you work dictates much of your self-esteem.How Do you spell love to a women?TIMEThats right, Time, you have to spend time with her.