Creating Relationships Online

I've been a member of quite a few (read: way too many) message boards in my years on the Internet. Some have been about hair, some about motherhood/moms, some about business. What I've noticed on the business boards, and I know you'll start nodding your head once you read this - sometimes it's worse than the pop-up ads you get when you're surfing. It seems like on certain boards - and I will be truthful: not this one - someone is always trying to 1) sell you a product 2) sell you a report that will make you loads of $$$$ for only seven dollars 3) sell you an E-book that will make all your wildest richest dreams come true.I have nothing against people trying to sell you something. That's why we're all here, right? However, there comes a time when members need to understand what networking is supposed to be. It's not posting on folks pages about the opportunity of a lifetime and how you (or someone you know) made $5 million dollars in within 3 hours of putting this very special system into place. Online networking is about creating relationships with people.As a mom of three, I can't easily pack a suitcase and jet (or drive) off to a networking event. At this time in my children's lives, they come first. However, I try to make up for it by devoting some of my time to communicating with people with like interests online. And believe me, it takes time. In order to truly form relationships and have your personality shine through online, you have to post on a regular basis, participate in varied discussions and really make an effort to get yourself "out there". Just as you wouldn't just give someone your business card, take theirs and not follow up, the same thing goes when you join a board.I remember one board on which it was such a struggle to particpate because all the discussions weren't discussions, just thinly veiled sales pitches for someone's product or service. It's pretty difficult to respond to a post that says, "I love natural products. Have you tried hot lemon juice mixed with corn cobs? It gives you so much energy and you feel brand new. I sell this mixture on my website, check me out at tips to building relationships:Visit the profile of new members and post a "hi, welcome to the board! I see you are a XXXXX or you sell YYYYY. Check out the XYZ group, they are also into that." Note, if you want to make them aware of your biz in an unobtrusive kind of way, use a signature banner or put your webbie in your signature.(PS don't post the exact same comment on every person's profile - most likely no one will catch on, but for those who do won't feel "special" any more.)Participate in discussions - just like my online classes, post something meaningful to give people an idea of your personality. Don't just post "I agree" or "yeah, baby". Ask a question, answer a question - give information, give a website that might help. People appreciate the help and will thank you.Be a regular - don't just post a whole bunch of info, then disappear for weeks at a time. People will forget you :) Keep yourself in the loop by visiting at least 2x a week - view this as part of the public relations aspect of your business.Finally, keep it simple. Choose a couple of boards at first then narrow your choice down to the one board that you feel 1) the most interested in 2)the one where you can truly post meaningful discussions/posts and 3)the one that will benefit you...(Believe me I tried to keep up with three-four boards - at one point it seemed like all I was doing was posting on boards!!)I hope these tips help you create and maintain online relationships. Please feel free to add to the discussion.
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  • Excellent ideas. To keep from feeling overwhelmed it is also helpful to have a set day when you work on your business. For me it's Monday. I don't do any client work but focus exclusively on networking, marketing & PR.
  • Hello everyone. Yes I'm new and looking for advice and book reviews. Marketing can be very costly and after years and years of this - do it yourself merry-go-round I'm just about burned out. I'm here for a pick me up and hate to say it but also take my mind off my ex who I really thought was the one this time. I see why I don't have long term relationships because it hurts to have to finally say... okay this is not working. I'm sorry. Just thinking it would be nice to have a special supportive person in my corner and work together to accomplish our goals.

    I'll leave you with I know when a association is good to me but not good for me. Anyway I plan to run-around in here and see whats happening. Wish everyone the best.
  • Timely advice indeed as I am in the process of focusing my online activities. I am finding that I was extremely overwhelmed with online activites simply because I am nosy.
  • This is great advice. I've been part of a board for 5years, but have low posting. I'm just figuring out how I can really contribute to the board in general as a long time member/lurker. You advice to visit 2x a week and consider it PR really was helpful.

    Thank You.

  • Love your post! I agree with you about having free time....which is nil if you're a mom and an entrepreneur! I've just joined this site, (which is fabulous BTW) and I plan to dedicate as much time as I can to being a productive member.

    I have two children, and along with taking care of them AND trying to start a business I find it difficult to take time to read everything on all the websites and message boards which I subscribe....I try to keep up, but I need things to be short, sweet and to the point. I have to insist on quality information, not quantity!
  • Hi ladies:

    Thanks for all the comments - yes, it is difficult to keep up with posting, but honestly, when you find a board that works for you - whether it be this one or another one - it is actually easy because you want to participate and interact on a regular basis.

    As I wrote in the blog post, I was a member of many boards where I would just stare at the screen for five minutes, trying to think of something to post about. Obviously, that board and I weren't a good fit. When it's easy for you to post on a regular basis, then that's the board for you!

  • Great post! I'd much rather click a link in a siggy rather than you saying a word.Though I'll admit I'm notorious for not posting frequently, but it's only because I get so busy. I'm trying to get better at it though. I actually own a company based forum and have to really dedicated myself to making time to be an active participant in my own forum! Again,great tips CeCe
  • This was great to read. I am a new member of BBWO and I find myself just getting the hang of this fabulous site. I am definitely going to make it a regular hang out for myself! I've done community sites for awhile and this one is by far beyond anything I've joined. I'm very grateful to be apart of it.
  • *Sigh* CeeCee your posts are always a breath of fresh air. Given our growing network size, this is definitely a good way to get members both you and old accustomed to how we do things on BBWO. Quality not quantity is what counts when building genuine networks online.

    Great post as always, -lhenry
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