A Love For God"Steep yourself in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. You'll find allyour everyday human concerns will be met. Don't be afraid of missing out. You'remy dearest friends! The Father wants to give you the very Kingdom itself." -Luke 12:31-32 (The Message)Your ministry to God should be more important to you than your ministry toanyone else. As Christ is formed in you through daily worship and devotion, youwill discover a whole universe of revelation within yourself that you didn'tknow existed before, and it will draw you into a deeper, more maturerelationship with your Creator.Enjoy intimate and spontaneous communication with your "Abba," Who is revealedto you through your elder brother, Jesus, by the fellowship of the Helper Whostands by to aid and assist you. Love Him because He first loved you.Learn the secrets of Abraham (who was called the friend of God in hisearth-walk) and follow his example of unwavering faith, for, without faith, itis impossible to please God. Walk with Him in the cool of the day as Adam did,innocently naked before Him, with no presence of fear or sense of shamefulunrighteousness.You have no need to sew together the fig leaves of religion, for you havenothing to hide from the One who chose you in Him before the foundation of theworld!Do not engage in friendship with the world-system that is enmity against God.Your relationship with Him takes priority over culture, tradition, philosophy,self-perception, world-view, theology or attitude. The Scriptures say that He isa 'jealous God - Who will have no other gods before Him,' and that just meansthat He desires your complete attention and total affection.You should be glad that He is "jealous" over you in that sense, because itreinforces to you how important you are to Him. You are the apple of His eye!You will find that you are able to be a better friend (husband, wife, son,daughter, etc.) to someone because you are a friend to God. The emotionalrelease that comes from simply loving God without reservation has a positiveeffect on every relationship in your life. For the same reason, you will even bea better friend to yourself because, as God is revealed, you will haveself-revelation...an understanding of who you are in Him.Rejoice that absolutely nothing--death, life, angels, principalities, powers,present things, future things nor any other creature--can separate you from thelove of God which is in Christ Jesus. Because of your unrestrained love for Him,you can have undisturbed peace with God and can be at peace with yourself andwith the world around you.Your friendship with the Originator of all things will produce a tangibleconfidence in your life. God is love, and God is lovable. Love Him with all ofyour heart, and your neighbor as yourself...that's the fullness of the Gospel!