A person who is connected to The Source and their inner truth:
(For more info on this topic, check out the book “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer)
- is optimistic and chose to feel good at all times
- focus on what they want, love, and intend to create
- believe in synchronicity and everything having a purpose
- lives is a state of gratitude for everything that occurs in their life
- appreciate the world and everything in it
- feel connected to all people, all of life and the universe
- have an uplifting effect on low vibrational energies & people
- don’t allow their well-being to be dependent on anything external to themselves
- is always in touch with their infinite nature
- is exceptionally generous
- are highly inspired people and have a strong sense of their own destiny
- have levels of energy that are extremely high
- is aware of their need to avoid low energy and low energy people
- know that everything is energy
- is exceptionally kind and loving people
- see the beauty in the world
- is always willing to learn more