Is it just me? I don't get! what's the purpose of starting a group and abandoning it? Personally, whenever I see this red flags start flying. I read this as a clear indication of someone who  doesn't follow through. It's not unreasonable to believe  these persons conduct business in the identical haphazard manner. I've visited several sites only to learn this is a common practice. This is 2011 and the last activity for some groups are 2008 and 2009! This is incredulous! Why leave it lingering? Interested persons come to join and looking for leadership to no avail. If you can identify yourself in this blog post, you have work to do!

The reality is, if this translates into how you conduct business, your business is in trouble! You're playing a losers game! More importantly you're treating your clients and employees disrespectfully. Not to mention destroying your reputation. Remember, you're not the only kid on the block! For example, BBWO has thousands of talented. and skilled professionals. Why should a client subject themselves to your unprofessionalism? You're not doing anyone a favor, and definitely not yourself!

When you went public with your blog, discussion or business you automatically came under the scrutiny of everyone. Sorry, it comes along with the territory. Everything you do reflects back on you as an individual and as a professional. We're here to support each other in our continued growth and development. I don't know everything, but I do know somethings. I'm always eager to learn. I'm also determined to represent myself and business in a professional manner. What do I know for sure? I know that my clients and potential clients are deserving of respect and professional service.

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  • Hi Lorraine and Brenda, I totally agree with you both...I have been on a few networking sites such as this one and it's really sad to say but no one seems to understand what networking is...Many are just trying to get their information and forget about the importance from pulling from one another...There are plenty of clients and business out there, so it's really not the competition...The collaboration of seasoned business professionals is a plus...I hope that we will get to a point one day where we will understand that it's not just about our self and the people that we are pushing away may have been our open door to the connection we've been looking for...Best of luck to both of you...God bless
  • Hi Lorraine,


    You didn't sound harsh at all.  I do agree with you about both topics.  I love your comment about don't envy but learn.  I am huge believer of team work because you have to learn from someone. Who started out with all the answers and who still has questions? (No one and everyone) I am forever learning and reading  to further my knowledge.  Great Blog post!

  • Hi Brenda,

    Not meaning to sound harsh, here goes. Why join a group if you're not committed to actively participating? Unless I'm mistaken I thought networking was about sharing ideas and information. Participation can come in the form of responding to members questions. It could mean posting a blog or starting a discussion with beneficial information. I suggest membership re-evaluate why they joined specifc groups in the first place. Group membership doesn't mean sitting back and sucking up information and knowledge and giving nothing in return! Support members blogs and discussions! Let them know someone is reading and listening. This is one form of encourage. Don't be afraid of liking what a member has to say. More importantly don't envy another persons skills, knowledge and talents! Learn from them! How do they go about their busines? How do they present themselves? When they blog  or start discussions is the information helpful? It's rough out here. Participate! Participate! Participate! My question is. Have you ever seen a room full of women and no one had anything to say? NO! Pretend you're at home or in a business meeting and talk!



  • Hi Lorraine,


    You were so on point with this blog. What are your suggestions on the lack of group members to participation?

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