Are You Worth It?I like to believe that for the most part, we are a pretty happy and well adjusted community. Maybe that is my positive-rose colored-Pollyanna attitude at play but never the less, most of the people I hang around seem to have it together. There is the other part of us that when we dare to dream something big, we sometimes suffer from drama or sabotage trying to obtain that goal.I discovered that a lot of our dis-ease, dis-comfort, and dis-illusionment stems from a subconscious and often unknown belief that we are not worthy. Maybe somewhere along the line, we have felt guilty for achieving or someone we love questioned who we thought we were because we had felt moved to reach a higher plane in life. Perhaps in our childhood we were led to believe that we could never, be, do, or have what we wanted. I am here to tell you that absolutely is not true.We can in fact be, do, or have anything we desire but we must first be in alignment with that which we call our Higher Self, or God, or the Universe. Pretty much everyone I know has studied the Law of Attraction in some form or another but this goes beyond thinking positively.As our Christ Consciousness, or Higher Self knows that we are beings pressed forth out of the image and likeness-that means we are not anything different from that which we came. So this in fact means that we are worthy, good, special, talented, creative, deserving, beautiful(just the way we are), inspired, free, sexy, and unlimited. We can add to that any and all of the other labels we use to describe God. That is the truth of our being and when we are in a happy state of mind, most of the time we feel these things about ourselves. It is when we step out of that vision of ourselves into something negative such as bad, fat, ugly, worthless, and so on that we feel negative emotions. Those negative emotions mean we are out of alignment with our Higher Being. We are out of alignment because our Higher Being disagrees.So, with all that being said, how do we in fact get back into alignment and feeling worthy about ourselves so that we may attract the things we want into our lives? Here are some simple steps to help achieve feelings of self worth because after all you cant attract your good without feeling good first.* Affirmations-Affirmations are defined as statements asserting the existence or the truth of something or the act of affirming or asserting or stating something. Here are a few to try:* I love and approve of myself* I deserve all that is good* I am grateful for a full and wonderful life* I am love, loved and loving* Attitude of Gratitude An attitude of gratitude can switch your thinking from what is lacking to what you have available to you now.* Live in the Now Living in the moment goes hand in hand with an attitude of gratitude simply because there leaves little time to focus on negativity that has happened in the past or stressing about the future.* A little exercise to help stay in the moment is, Ask yourself, "Can I do anything about this right now?" If the answer is no, than it is none of your business. Which means have faith in the attraction power of your positive attitude and positive feelings, let God handle it and hold on to your joy.