As a Woman Thinks – So Is She!Bob Doyle the creator of the Movie The Secret” defines it this way: the law of attraction is impersonal. It does not see “good” or “bad,” it is a law of the universe that simply receives your thoughts and then reflects those thoughts back to you as your life experience. The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about.Change Your Thoughts – You Change Your WorldNorman Vincent Peale once said “Change your thoughts and you change your world” I love this statement because it is so true. Did you know that the average person has more than 200 negative thoughts per day, worries, jealousy, forbidden things etc. Choosing to think positively is just that, a conscious CHOICE. Yes it is true that some people already have a positive outlook on life and it is easy for them. But improving your outlook and attitude in life is an accomplishment that can be learned once applied. When you work toward changing your thoughts you will begin to change the way you speak also. It is said that “as a man thinketh so is he”, which means if you think poorly you will attract poor people, places and things into your life. When you think differently life will begin to offer you new opportunities and more satisfying relationships.So your first step is to pay attention to your thoughts. Whenever you feel tired or lack energy, ask yourself, ‘What have I just been thinking about?’ Most likely, you will discover that your mind has been focusing on something negative instead of positive.Are you a complainer, do you always see others peoples faults, do you think you can do it better? When you become more aware of your thoughts, you will begin to have control over what you ‘feed’ your mind. Don’t get me wrong you all have negative thoughts at one time or another, but the key is how to you handle the thought or do they handle you?When you notice that you are thinking negatively, simply acknowledge it and choose to make the choice to change it. After just a few times you will begin to see a change in your thoughts, your words and even your body language. It won’t be long before you realize how different you begin to feel both mentally and physically when you choose to take control over those old nagging, negative thoughts patters.
Elizabeth is also the highly acclaimed author of three books, including her best seller, UnStoppable Women Who Launch, UnStoppable Teen Power and UnStoppable Wealthy Women. Her books motivate and educate people to realize their own potential to achieve greatness.Unstoppable Wealthy Women & Teens would like to invite you to visit our page at
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