The Highly Anticipated Guide to Professional Speakingwww.anglebush.comThis step by step guide will provide you with important information on:How to Get BookedCreating your Electronic Press KitHow to Create a Marketing Plan and much moreBonus Section includes 10 Professional Speaking LeadsWhy journey into professional speaking? How does this help my sales?Professional speaking will allow you the opportunity to increase your sales by putting you in front of consumers. If you are an invited speaker people are there to see you, to hear you. This will provide you with an opportunity to be heard and seen by audiences who can tell others about you - as you know networking and word of mouth are very important tools in selling and marketing any product or service and professional speaking is an avenue to start the discussion.Ready to Increase Your Success in 6 Easy Steps?Get Your Copy of SPEAK NOW- visit http://www.anglebush.comIncrease Your SalesExpand your AudienceMeet Your CustomersCommunicate Your MessageStart Your Journey Today!!!