Chosen By God's LoveJohn 3:16 (NKJV) "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."The word love, such a loosely word used today, that many have really elapsed theaccurate meaning of such a powerful four letter word. Some declare it's what youdo and others utter its how you act. Whatever you think love is you will neverfind a love like God's love.God so loved the world that He choose us to give His only begotten Son. To bechosen is to be one who is the object of choice or of divine favor, an electperson, selected, and preferred for a certain and divine purpose. An object issomething that when viewed stirs a particular emotion, something toward whichthought, feeling, or action is directed; it's a cause for attention or concern.When God looks at us it stirs His emotion of Love and compassion that's why Heforgives us and He directs His blessing down upon us. WHY, because we are chosenand are the cause for His attention and concern. God's Love is not like man'slove; we didn't have to do anything to earn it, He doesn't take it away from uswhen we mess up, He's not waiting on us to love Him before He loves us, and Hislove is unconditional.This unconditional love that God has for us is called A'GAPE. A'GAPE lovechooses its object, regardless of the condition of the entity because God is notin relationship with us because of what we have. He created us with tender loveand care.God loves you no matter how you look, where you are, in spite of your presentsituation and circumstances. The Father desires to share His love with Hispeople in good times, in bad times, during hard times, within a recession ornot. Max Lucado once said: "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be onit. If he had a wallet, your photo would be in it. He sends you flowers everyspring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, he'll listen."That's just how much love God has for each of us.No matter what state this devotion finds you in whether happy or sad dwell onGod's love, it's everywhere. Look at the flowers outside they represents Hislove, the moon at night and the sun during the day represents His love. The nextbreath you take represents God's love.Remember you have been chosen by the unconditional love of God