I strongly believe everyone has a purpose in life. Many find their purpose in things they are passionate about. What things do you want to accomplish? If you envision your success what would it look like. It’s a fact – if you can’t see your vision, you’ll never get there. You have to see it, know what it is, know where you want to go, in order to reach that vision. Think about what your success will look like. If you take away any doubts what would your business (your future) look like? Write down your vision and post it some where that you can see it every day so that you can start focusing on your vision and your success.You can accomplish anything that you focus on, so dream big!Follow the series on momentum on our blog at //bizstrategy.wordpress.comAlso Visit:www.pathfindersbr.org//choicesprogram.wordpress.com (new program to help single parents)