Dorothy Anderson Presents IkanUkan Paths to Prosperity

7 Revelations In One That Open The Gates To

Abundant Blessings for All Holy Days; Celebrate All Families

God’s Gifts, Divine Mind, Spiritualspaces, The Generation, Spiritual job Thought ofKnowledge Walkin the Blessings everyday and succeed in life.

Coming Soon Wealth Abundance Riches

Prayers and Praises To Haiti From Ikanukan

May God’s holy and divine protection, healings, wholeness , restoration , wisdomand prosperity rest heavily and mightily on; the nation’s people, power structure, homes, families andthose reaching into the land giving help and hope and love. To those in ourprayers and hearts may you forever be in the Kingdom of God and walk in theLove, Peace and Joy of the Lord God.

Live Blessed and Prosperous Holy Days


by Dorothy Anderson

Copyright (c) 2006

The orchestra of the drums was reaching a crescendo and a thunderous roar was heardthroughout the universe. Knowledge, wisdom, revelation, understanding,might and information held to the massive wave that invaded All. It wastradition. We seemed to have become frozen in time. The sacred sounds, beats,rhythms and tempo were infusing health,wisdom and wealth into an already ignited atmosphere. The boom screamed leavingfootprints in the earth. A legacy second to none was being conceived.


Every tribe. Chosen People are Living Prayer


I'm the chosen tribe. God lives in me.

I'm the tribe of Judah. Ruling with Victory.

They're all in me.

The tribe of Leah. The tribe of Rachel.

Alkebulahstretched her full sculptured framestraining to see the speck at the apex of a hill. The hill was a massive mound that stood amidst a deep rich green terrain. As the act of movingmotion neared, it teased her imagination. Yes, it was very much alive. At timesthe figure was very still. Then at a heartbeat it soared into flight. There wasa lateral extention of the gliders. It was breath taking the way this sculpturedanced in midair in its solitaryconfinement while approaching…

© 2005 by Dorothy Anderson

Believer’s Confessions


Dorothy Anderson

Have A blessed prosperous Christian Reward


1. Challenges 2. Heritage 3. Relationships 4. Inspiration 5. Security 6. Truth

3John 2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you PROSPER and be in health...


She's a Proverbs lady reaching out to a world

Strength honor she has for standing on the word.

She's a lady of faith

walking in grace.

Her work is never done.

Her wisdom is from the Kingdom

Talking about the Proverbs 31 lady.

(C)2000 by Dorothy Anderson

Three Godly Women

There were three Godly women who feared the Lord.

They listened to the Spirit within.

They were guided, taught and comforted..

They were Godly and they believed. They believed God's Word.



© 2002 all rights reserved Dorothy Anderson


In Memory Of Mom

Thank God for the one

That held you in her arms.

Bless their feet.

Dry their tears.

Love their voice.

(1998) by Dorothy Anderson

God Be With You

The kingdom of God is in you. You are not alone. There’s an earth song. The Arch Angel Michaelspeaks. There may be black and white. Know that God is love. There are Faces ®.There are; SpiritSpaces®. Have a divine mind ® and do your spiritwork® in God.

The Protocols

Bonus Gift to You


Megapower Megadream Megavision and more


The SPIRIT of the Lord is Up On me; Kingdom Power, Principles, Paths, Practices, Prosperity, Promises and Patterns causing the manifestation of realities ofwealth, abundance and riches according to the pattern/matrix of powerworking/flourishing in me.

Live your life through the COVENANT,WORD andPOWER.

You are the chosen. Blessed and prosperous are ALL the works(believed acts of faith) of your mind/hands.

Realities are composed by the matrices of power.Manifest your lifework(promised cdsor purpose, mission, calling and destiny).

Abundant Thanks

For further information send e-mail to


More than 10,000 web pages visited. More than 20,000 hours of biblical studies.

More than 500 documents on money, finances and prosperity studied.

More than 1,000 song lyrics written.

Get answers to questions and support.

Connect especially if you know you’re God’s Gracious Gift and have special knowledge from God's Anointed Presence or what you’ve read is of value.

Connect to go to the next level and experience a life of excellence.

Healthcare Professionals claim your space and become an entrepreneur.

Visit D. Anderson at

Coming soon and Works in Progress Powergeneses IV Mysteries

Give Your Family the Security They Need; Wired Comprehensive Fund

Life long benefits, Life assurance

One Stop Lifeskills Realm

Enhance family gates. Manage resources. Build needed assets.

Get greater income tax returns. Secure social security income. Obtain healthcare.

Prayers and Praises To Haiti From Ikanukan

May God’s holy and divine protection, healings, wholeness , restoration , wisdom andprosperity rest heavily and mightily on; the nation’s people, power structure, homes, families andthose reaching into the land giving help and hope and love. To those in ourprayers and hearts may you forever be in the Kingdom of God and walk in theLove, Peace and Joy of the Lord God.

In Loving Memory of Our Beloved

Jason Lamar Ellison


God’s Gracious Gifts Genius Insightful Fruitful Thoughtful

Our Beloved did his spiritwork with excellence.

Blessed are GOD’S Gifted for our Lord has prepared a special place for them. There they shall forever know freedomin GOD’S Kingdom.

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