Dorothy Anderson; Ikanukan Expanding Prosperity Paths

IkanUkan Dynamic Dimensions

Dorothy Anderson Presents IkanUkan Paths to Prosperity

7 Revelations In One That Open The Gates To Abundant Blessings

God’s Gifts, Divine Mind, Spiritualspaces, The Generation, Spiritual job Thought of Knowledge Walk inthe Blessings everyday and succeed in life.

A working spirit makes more money. Work your gifts, talents & personality.

Powergeneses II The Acts of the Universe

The greatest conquest of all is to be the Conductorof the acts of the universe. Suddenly the power of God came. Suddenly I knew that every word of Godwas true. It was like living water burning on my hands and feet. There came a whirlwind of pounding rains. Listen to the rain, the thunder andlightning. It was the sound of a 1000 drum songs.

I took in a deep breath and braced myself. Slowly in a slight circular manner I movedmy right arm from my right side and around forward and up. Look high to theheavens. inhale the life of the millioninhabitants. Feast on the power of the million year old forces.

Copyright 2005 by Dorothy Anderson All rights reserved

Get your copy


by Dorothy Anderson Copyright(c) 2006

The orchestra of the drums was reaching a crescendo and a thunderous roar was heardthroughout the universe. Knowledge, wisdom,revelation, understanding, might and information held to the massive wave thatinvaded All. It was tradition. We seemed to have become frozen in time. Thesacred sounds, beats, rhythms and tempo were infusing health, wisdom and wealth into an already ignitedatmosphere. The boom screamed leaving footprints in the earth. A legacy secondto none was being conceived.

Alkebulahstretched her full sculptured framestraining to see the speck at the apex of a hill. Yes, it was very much alive.At times the figure was very still. Then at a heartbeat it soared into flight.There was a lateral extension of the gliders. It was breath taking the way thissculpture danced

© 2005 by Dorothy Anderson

Dorothy Anderson: Ikanukan presents the Constellationof the century.

Jason Ellison’s God Seed is an event that must be experienced. Its author walked in the realm of the gifted and put inprint a masterpiece of a future world. His wisdom was beyond his years. JoinJason Ellison in a daring expression of love, joy, peace and pain. Get insightson Zimbabwe, Africa. “I Am An African.

Continue the adventure by visiting and exploring poems on Creationism, City Scenes, SelfScapes and other exciting platforms. The jewel is Ellison’s essay, The InevitableProgression of Fusion.

This thesis is what you think it isn’t and it’s not what you think it is. Put onyour seatbelts. Assess your cyberspace armor and prepare for take off. In this realm E=mc2 is redefined. Imagine yourself with theright stuff. .Your total spirit and being is an empowered energizedconstellation of Art, Music, Dance and a personified packaged extreme Performer. Breathe the vision.

Jason Ellison GOD SEED ISBN 13: 978-0-9822639-2-1

Editor Janet Anderson-Davis JoAnn Ellison;Copyright//Publisher

1st Memorial Art Exhibition was onSeptember 17-18, 2010 was a majorsuccess.

To further communicate with DorothyAnderson visit

Powergeneses I-III Believer’s Confessions God’s Intensive Care

Coming Soon The Chronicles reserve your copy

Dorothy Anderson; Ikanukan Prospers and The United Nations of the world’s people

Pray for the USA President Obama and his family and Vice-President Biden and his family and leaders, nations, people and familiesas well as our land, water and environment that God and the Holy Spirit be inthem and guide, protect, counsel and teach them in all areas of life.

Financial Reform/Transformation

Employment Economics Business Training Vocation

Financial Reform/Transformation; Our nation’s leaders should extend EUC and EB through June 2011 and expand it to include an entrepreneurial component where participants are givena stipend for business/money making seminars and workshops as well as anopportunity to build a successful and prosperous business and start employingothers. They also are allowed to network.This way everyone wins.

Prayers and Praises To Haiti From Ikanukan

May God’s holy and divine protection, healings, wholeness , restoration , wisdom and prosperity rest heavily and mightily on;the nation’s people, power structure,homes, families and those reaching into the land giving help and hope and love.To those in our prayers and hearts may you forever be in the Kingdom of God andwalk in the Love, Peace and Joy of the Lord God.

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