2009 MARCH OF DIMES MARCH FOR BABIES….Is back againWalking to give every baby a healthy start!I had the pleasure of attending the March of Dimes Kick - Off this week.As I was sitting at lunch listening to the speaker, she asked the question" Why are you a Team Captain?" (4yr veteran)The Answer for me: Enthusiasm is a result of being inspired!I am always inspired every time I go to the luncheon and hear a family's struggle and with the help of the March of Dimes they are able to overcome the odds in difficult situations. I also realize that this could have easily been my situation or someone I knew or cared about.So, yes I am ENTHUSIASTIC about the MARCH OF DIMES and that is why I need your help in helping me reach my goal. No amount is too small.Thank you in advance for your support ...General Donation2009 Goal - $1500.00go on-line - http://www. marchforbabies. org/rhondawilkins - no amount is too small