- EIGHT THINGS YOU CAN DO TO CREATE A VISIONARY ENTERPRISE -Written by Jamie S. WaltersFrom a business perspective, most people would agree that the past several years have been real doozies in a lot of ways. As we look ahead into the coming year, and assess the path we traversed in the past 12 to 24 months, we'll find things that remain outside of our control, things for which we might plan and things that we can do right now to start the year with a sense of forward-momentum (and positive momentum, at that).First, a very quick look back: Economic and cultural quakesThe degree to which the past several years have been a challenge may differ depending on who and where you are, and whether your enterprise is business-to-business or enterprise-to-consumer.Click here http://www.onyxsix.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=36:eight-things-you-can-do-to-create-a-visionary-enterprise&catid=13:how-to-guides&Itemid=13 to read more.- SIGN UP FOR THE ONYX SIX NEWSLETTER -Sign up for our free newsletter to receive information on upcoming events, business advice and special offers from Onyx Six click here http://oi.vresp.com/?fid=ef70831112 to opt in.