A Few Fabulous Women February's Featured Women TO READ THEIR FULL STORIES CLICK HERE Cassandra Stewart: Read her story of her life's trials and tribulations and how she overcame being homeless to being an author, starting an organization and her own online bath & body store. Rhonda White "The INNERgizer": Rhonda A. White is the TV Show and Daily Radio Host of "Soaring Eagles with Rhonda White" and is referred to as "The INNERgizer" and a "Master Catapult". At the age of five, Apostle Tracey George's mother Pastor Ruby George began to train her in ministry. By age 16, she received the call to preach God's word. She founded The Core Outreach Network, Tracey George Alliance Project (T.G.A.P) and The Core Institute. A designer of fur accessories; her talent was inherited from her mother. Ruby Bratton began recreating items with fur in1987 and the love of the creations has kept her working with fur every since |
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