Why just log in when you can BLAST OFF?Good question. I have decided I like affiliate marketing. What I am loving this month is the Blastoff Network. So where does the free come in? Glad you asked.The BLASTOFF network homepage is free to you all you have to do is go to http://www.familylegacyhome.com and enter your name, e-mail and as soon as allowed I will e-mail when you can go directly to my BLASTOFF page and sign up to get your own.So why do I want one? MONEY. If you choose it can make you money and it can save you money. If you tell your friends about it and they sign up and utilize the site when they go shopping you make money. Yes it is that simple. And it goes on like this for 10 degrees of seperation.What is the rush? EXCLUSIVITY! Once invites are sent out from Pre-Paid Associates there is a time window, when the only none Pre-Paid people who can sign up must be invited and sign up with an associate. So if you sign up now you have that time frame to build your network before it is opened to any and all.So check it out let me know what you think.