From A Writers POV has been updated for it's December 2008 edition. View below some of the things you can expect this month.Weekly Feature by: ZulmaraBook AD & Interview by: Tabitha Vinson*New Library & Resources!*We are Looking for Poem Writers.*Book your interview today!*Now Offering Business Owner interviews!*Register your published book. From A Writers POV is starting a library and is looking for published authors to register their book into our library.------------------*Advertise your Service.*From A Writers POV now offers Business Owner Interviews! Reserve a spot today!"Get in the Spotlight"Our question this week is: "Give your advice to first time authors on promoting....Keep it short!"--------------------December 2008 Articles:http://fromawriterspovarticles.webs.comBecome A Writer On From A Writers POV. You can submit articles on varies topics and submit up to 3 articles a month!Become A Contributor with From A Writers POV. We are looking for a serious dedicated person with experience!Submit a monthly article on writing, publishing, promoting etc.From A Writers POV is looking for 3 published authors, with events coming up in June, July, August who want to advertise their event and receive an interview with a book ad.Free Advertisement!We have so much going on and all this and more can be found at our websitewww.fromawriterspov.webs.comI look forward to hearing from you!