Whenever I get off or on airplane – no matter how long I slept the night before or on the ride – the first thing I want to do is take a nice long nap, but why? Speeding across time zones disrupts your circadian rhythms, resulting in outright exhaustion and, paradoxically, trouble zoning out (or staying that way). First go-to: Caffeine is a popular and effective perk-you-up, but drinking it after 4 pm local time could actually hinder Zzzs. Give these remedies a try to send fatigue packing.1. Psychiatrist approachTake melatonin: You may feel sleepy when your body secretes this hormone; a melatonin supplement may help you override the urge to stay awake when you should be nodding off. (A recent study shows popping one for several nights may reduce daytime fatigue, too.)To find out more, just follow this link: http://www.blackdoctor.org/articles.aspx?counter=33673For more information on African-Americans and health issues and tips, follow this link: www.blackdoctor.org