T.D. Jakes message this morning hit me so hard that I said I must share it with you . This is what I got out of it:Each year Jesus and his family traveled to Jerusalem for their annual feast. We now today know it as Christmas. Each year during the fest everyone partied, worshipped and participated in rituals. Now from ages 2-12 Jesus and his family traveled to Jerusalem for this great celebration and feast. Then at the age of 12, (the year that Jewish boys have their coming of age bar mitzvah) Jesus and his family traveled to the Great Feast as usual. However on the way back home after having a wonderful time. Jesus’ family realized that they had lost Jesus….Have we lost Jesus in the feast, are we sing jingle bells instead of silent night? Are we decking the halls, instead fasting and praying? Are we being stressed and depressed because of the gifts we can’t buy or won’t receive?Have we lost Jesus in the Feast?Please Lord help me seek ye your face especially for a time dedicated to your birth to the earth!