I often spend time reflecting on my vision. The vision I have for my business. I guess you can consider me a dreamer because I tend to visualize a lot about what my business will be and how I picture it evolving into something amazing….even unbelievable.
I remember being as young as 9 and 10 years old thinking about having my own business because even at that age, I knew I wanted to be a mom who worked from home. Fast forward 20 something years and I am living my childhood dream!
I contribute this to me having never lost sight over the years….I never forgot my vision.
Have you forgotten YOUR vision?
Thinking back to those carefree days of your youth, have you now, in your adulthood, found yourself in a career you truly do not love? Is your life not at all what you thought it would be? Are you doing the types of things you never imagined you would be doing?
Maybe it is because you forgot your vision. Somewhere down the road of life, something caused you to put your dreams to the side and focus on reality. Life just took over…right?
Believe me, I understand that. I am no stranger to the harsh circumstances life can seem to throw your way over and over again. But even in the midst of all that, you can’t forget your vision. continue >