I want to start my own social book club site. I have my own Ning site and I need some helpful pointers regarding content, promotion, marketing and sales to get the ball rolling...My response: Quick Tips:
- Write at least 3 - 5 forum discussions to get the ball rolling: They can be of value (ie you sharing information or questions).
- Invite people you feel either are interested in that type of network or would bring value to the space.
- Find some great youtube videos on your network topic to add good content fast without having to create it.
- Recommend websites or articles you think your members should read.
- Start a discussion asking members to share their sites (folks like shameless self promotion and good conversation)
- Start small similar groups on bigger networks like BBWO to attract members and then invite them to your space.
- Create a Facebook fanpage for your network.
ladyof prayer.com; instanter.wordpress.com