In All Thing Be Grateful

Good Morning;

                     May I share my morning favorite cup of green tea with you. Every  day I'm up early sitting on my sun porch,from here I have a harmonious view.  Kicking off my shoes and relax in my white wicker chair before starting off my day. I quietly send out and receive universal love.

Listening to my breath I think of how each of us have awaken from a nights rest... feet hitting the floor.. without ever giving much thought to our trust level, we lay our heads on our pillows aware that a higher presence secures our breath. More often than not our only thought was what need to do tomorrow


  Taking a sip of steaming tea, I consider our need to add to our to do list..BE THANKFUL IN ALL THINGS

It's so quiet here and now in this moment , in this place...a  warm feeling permeates my being as I think of YOU my  sister.  May we each  sense his presence today in all we endeavor to do. as we set our affection on things above. May we have a child-like trust while thanking Him for taking us down any paths we did not want to go knowing that all things work together for good to those that love Him.

As sisters we are stronger when united as one, we are changing day by day.We have transformed minds, empowered spirits and a renewed sense of direction because of ourselves as individuals, because of each other and most of all because of YOU. And for this we are GRATEFUL. 

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  • Thank you Traci Lee I hadn't been on my page for some time as you can see; fortunately your mail awaited my return and for this I am thankful. May the approaching morning bring a blessing shining upon the pathway and door of your home and as it enters you can truly say; " I know His presence is here illuminating  my every task , thought and relationship with myself and others.


  • "WOW!!  Josephine that was just what I needed this evening!  Totally AWESOME!!!!  Thank you so much for this blog.  Peace & Blessings to you & your family.

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