When was the last time you sat down quietly and regain that enthusiam you once had for your home business or entrepreneurial goals. I bet when you first started you said this is it this time. This is the ideal business for me and was head strong to make it work. Well!! What happened? Mmmm lets see! You took off strong and now you have reached a plateau; the flame is near extinguished and somehow you are feeling not into it. Well, unless you would rather return to a JOB or continue working like the masses, it behooves you to place the irons in the fire.Thats right! release the cynicism and move your tush!!. No one is going to catapult you into the stratosphere of wealth except you. Reconnect with that old flame ( no pun intended) challenge mediocrity and complacency because success cost. If you have lost all creativity to get your business pumping again then it is your responsibility to recreate and reconnect with your inner self and dream big again and again until it sticks. Remove all negative friends, associates and by-standers from your life they will ruin your dream. Finally, be determine to refuse to accept this hand to mouth position you are in right now; ask God to come into your life, lift up that negative veil, take a deep breath and visualize your power to live abundantly on your own terms.