WOW!!! What an experience, after traveling for a few days with my Laptop, I came across a virus that wouldn’t allow me to open my emails and web pages. I worked on this for two days with my support team. We had no break through removing this virus off my system, I was then told I had to do a complete recovery and to save my pictures and documents. I replied “ We will work on this tomorrow”. I prayed about it and I just wouldn’t accept this solution, their had to be another way. Once again I contact, Mr. Marvin Fredlaw, and other support team members, whom had been working with me to solve this problem. Yes, the virus was still there, but not for long, finally the solution came and the virus was taken off. Yes, I was under a malicious attack and I had to fight back. I thank God for prayer and God’s anointed people who seek ways to help others when problems arise.Have you ever been under such malicious attacks? What Did you do?Please checkout Mr. Marvin Fredlaw, when you’re under attack. Find out what you can do to stop Malicious virus attacks on your computer