If you’ve ever dealt with …• Insecurity, rejection, non-acceptance, low- self esteem, lack of self worth.• Things that your parents said or did.• If you never felt pretty enough, you’ve never felt good enough.• If you’ve felt the pain, shame, and misery of that brought about from a man whom you've given your all too.• If just felt stuck as though you were functioning in life but not going anywhere.• If you’ve ever ask yourself is their more to life than the everyday routine.• Feeling like your options were limited.• Feeling like your spouse’s success over shadows you.• Secretly dealing with issues, that are keeping you bound.Then Letters To My Sisters from the Heart is sure to soothe your soul as well as put you on the path to truly taking a look at yourself and reevaluating where you are and reaffirming you of the powers you possess.For More Information Go To:http://www.letterstomysistersfromtheheart.com