"No More Excuses"

2009 cannot be a year of excuses. Spiritual slackness is the enemy of spiritual growth! You will not mature in the things of God nor will you receive your blessing being slack concerning your walk with him. God does not reveal himself to those that are slack and he does not reward those that are sometimey! You must commit to seeking him and following him in order to receive from him. You have 2 choices. Either do it your own way, or diligently seek his way. There is no middle ground to stand on. When you choose to be slack and lazy, you chose to do it yourself. God wants those that can represent him well so he can show the world what he is capable of. Why would he want to show the world a bad representation of himself? If you are always talking about what you are going to do, but never do it, then you are slack. And why would God want to show you as his representation when the world will say, "I'm more spiritual than that without him!"God wants people that will hear his voice, and then follow his command!He wants Christians that are faith walkers and not jive talkers. He does not need anyone with a "i'm gonna" mentality, but he needs those with a "I'm willing" mentality! God has already given you the instructions, so now it's time to move. It's time to step out on faith and accept what God is expecting from you. Corporate America does not respect lazy, slack people, so why do you think God is pleased with that? Some of us have been struggling with yesteryear's mess, in the same place, dealing with the same issues for too long. God wants us to pray, and get up! Take up your bed and walk! Don't just sit there, MOVE! Everyone is tired of hearing you say what you are gonna do over and over again.2009 must be a year of no more excuses! You don't have the money to start it? Who did? You don't have the time to start it? Who does? You don't have the courage to begin? Get some! Get over your hurt, your past, your slackness, and the spirit of hinderance and move forward! God is waiting for someone to advance the Kingdom of God with diligence and fervor. It is time to tarry no more!Suggested Reading: James 1:25, Prov. 20:13, Heb. 6:11, James 2:26Be Blessed,Terri
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