The Second Stage of Life is the stage of emotion, sensation and experience.
Chronologically, the second stage ranges from 20 or 25 years to 40 or 50 years of age. This is the stage where you begin to experiment and find out things for yourself. It is in this second stage that you truly experience the living process. You generally strike out on your own and face the challenges of an adult reality. Here you experience love, sex, alcohol, drugs, competition, insecurity, success and failure, frustration, and all the other sensations which make life exciting, intense, and challenging.
It is in this second stage that many people get stuck for a major portion of their lives. As the stark realities of life confront them at every turn, they can get hooked on a feeling, a sensation, a person, a drug, or other addiction. They use their addiction as a means to escape or cope with their life situation.
It is in the second stage when your habits tend to make you or break you. Here you must develop and master the art of self-discipline. You must learn to control your thoughts, emotions, and appetites. It is in this second stage that you are challenged by the realities of survival. What does it take to keep a roof over your head and food on the table for you and your family, and still have time, energy, and resources for continual personal growth and development?
Some people get stuck on the treadmill of day-to-day survival, where appetites and crises constantly confront them from the cradle to the grave. To properly move through this second stage, you must master the skill of survival.
Mastering the skill of survival requires that you develop and implement a financial program in which your income exceeds your expenses. All of your financial dealings should be in accord with a realistic pre-established budget. You must develop discipline in overcoming the urge for immediate consumption or gratification. Systematically, set aside a portion of your income for wealth building. Take advantage of the benefits of investing and compound interest to establish a body of wealth for your personal peace of mind and enjoyment. Use a portion of your wealth to help fund and provide capital for your children and their future. Invest in worthwhile projects.
Men have a tendency to get stuck on the feelings generated by sex, alcohol, power, and physical conquests.
Women get stuck in the search for love or attention. The essence of the second stage of life is the search for a particular feeling. The challenges of this stage are centered on self-discipline and personal mastery of your physical and emotional appetites. For more information, go to
Are your emotions, passions and habits undermining your success?