Community Assessments Center8415 Broadway AvenueCleveland, OH 44104 USWhen: Monday, June 15, 7:00PM to 8:00PMPhone: 216-254-8250Email: udishmon@realsistersrising.comI am hoping you will join Real Sisters Rising Ohio Chapter!Our PURPOSE as a group of women, young and old is to work together to provide resources, education, networking opportunities along with advocacy and promoting self-awareness within our communities. We believe when women improve the quality of their lives, the communities to which they contribute also improves.The phenomenal women of RSR will assist you with referrals, resources, and much, much more. RSR is a physical organization. Meaning, we work on a personal level with our members, not only via the internet. All of our members are encouraged to share new ideas.We meet once each month to keep the momentum going.Why don't you join us and bring a friend.Check us out further at or join us Right NOW!