Seeking Editors for

I am looking for women interested in being a MahoganyButterfly Editor ( I currently manage MaBu on my own (in between my 9-5 and being a mother of 2). My goal into the New Year is to focus on getting the site to its full potential. I realize that this will be a slow-going task to continue to handle all on my own. Bottom line -- I need help! :-)To that end, I am looking to build a "virtual staff" of Editors. This role would require a few hours a month. As an official member of the Editorial Team, you would be responsible for managing and overseeing your Channel, including:* Obtain, review, post and edit content for your Channel and decide what gets published.* Act as a community moderator -- facilitate conversations and participation among community members* Make suggestions for enhancing your topic/channel. Assist in planning editorial content and features.This is a "labor of love" position (read: volunteer), that presents the opportunity to gain experience, promote your own endeavors, connect with people, and be at the ground floor of something with a lot of promise that could someday take off. Plus, you get to add the title of "Editor" to your resume :-). If you feel where I'm coming from and see the vision, then you are one that I want along for the ride! Channels and topics include:Glamour (beauty, fashion etc)My Spirit (health, wellness, spirit/soul)Power (career, money, politics, news, commentary, education, technology)Celebrity (entertainment: music, movies, TV, celebs)Love & Life (dating, relationships, family, parenting )Life (travel, world, home, entertaining, food, nutrition)Expressions (creative writing, books, authors, artists, crafts)To be considered, email detailing your area(s) of interest, why you want to be an Editor and how you feel you can contribute. I will be selecting Editors right after the Holidays.Thanks & Happy Holidays! ~Nicole
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  • I will send you an email about this. Thank you.

    Phyllis L
  • Hi Nicole:

    I have sent you an email regarding this.

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