Last year, about this time. I decided to press pause... on everything! I had to. I was getting overwhelmed and my passion was weaning. Okay, I was trying to figure some things out. I took some time off to refocus, personally. I took some much needed time off. I could have let go of the pause button sooner, you know to appease some people and to stop the barrage of questions, but it wouldn't have been good for me nor my business. So it took much longer than I would have anticipated, but I'm back, and with a vengeance! I am so full of ideas and ventures that I have to remind myself to slow down. I am very much the do it all stay super busy person. But in my break, I have forced myself to learn to take care of me and to protect myself the way I protect my business, be diligent, focused and to use my discernment in my personal life to the same degree that I use in making business decisions or entering business relationships. Needless to say I have gained some wisdom in this short minute that I have been away. Its funny though, what I thought would take time to reestablish is coming back to me like riding a bike. My take away today... it is much easier to define a corporate profile if you have already defined your personal profile.I love you allSo love each other
Thanks Deidre! You're so right. I was reluctant to take a break because everything was taking off and going so well. I am a closet workaholic and didn't want to go to Workaholics Anonymous, but because I didn't know how to not 'go hard' I got burned out and I forced myself to take a break. I have learned how to pull back and automate and delegate, and it is coming back better than before... and easier too!
Kendall, I can totally relate to what you're talking about. I had to do the same thing myself a few months ago. It makes no sense to force yourself to keep going when you feel your life is chaotic. Sometimes you need to take a step back and spend some time with yourself to regroup and refocus or to just relax. Once you get back in the saddle you will be better than ever before!