- TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE BREAKS: REMOVING SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS -By: Lyndsey ShafferRemoving your self imposed limitations is a crucial step in growing your business. Entrepreneurs must take their foot off the breaks and begin using our intuitive guidance system. Your first instinct, your initial response, your gut feeling, whatever you choose to label it, is always aligned with your destiny.All too often we dismiss our initial feelings and proceed to our default reaction to opportunity. Especially when that opportunity is disguised at work! For many, the default response is to being listing all of the reasons why we cannot do or have or be something we desire. Allowing the "excuse factory" to manufacture a mediocre life for yourself will leave you with feelings of resentment and unfulfillment. Particularly, entrepreneurs follow this path to the detriment of their business.Click here http://www.onyxsix.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=84:take-your-foot-off-the-breaks-removing-self-imposed-limitations&catid=26:work-a-life&Itemid=13 to read more.- SIGN UP FOR THE ONYX SIX NEWSLETTER -Sign up for our free newsletter to receive information on upcoming events, business advice and special offers from Onyx Six click here http://oi.vresp.com/?fid=ef70831112 to opt in.