The Vocabulary of Success!

I repeat myself because I am extremely optimistic about success. I am passionate about enriching the lives of others who are stuck in a place where their greatness is close but the patterns that keep holding them back are always closer.


Let me tell you about comfort. It is a word that I personally and professionally limit from my vocabulary. I believe the word comfort is a true enabler of habitual limitations. Think about for a second if you do not believe me. Many of you live in the same geographic area because of comfort. You stay at the same job because of comfort, Am I right? We also hold on to relationships due to comfort as well. We become addicted to a pattern of behavior that we are familiar with.


However, when it comes to success, the addiction to comfort must shift. You have to be ready to step out of your comfort zone in order to achieve things that you are striving for. I have even received this same gift this week from a long-time friend who I thought would support a concept that I am working on. Once I heard the skepticism, I realized my thought was far outside of their comfort zone therefore, they cast doubt in my hour of glory. Once again, I cleaned my house!


What are you ready for? Success is all about your willingness to accept the new challenges that are ahead. You will have to trust in the parachute of life that is victory in order to let go of you comfort attachments which includes relationships, places, situations, circumstances, etc. If you believe in it and accept the fact that increase is on the way, begin today by evaluating all of the things that you are holding on to that are not creating VALUE. Start working on the eviction notices so that you can collect your inheritance.



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  • Here's an article I wrote on the subject. Thanks for the inspiration Carol
  • Thanks ladies!
  • Thanks so much Toynga, it's hard to believe but as a child I barely ever spoke, I spent most of my time reading, writing poems and making up imaginary stories. Now that I've grown out of the imaginary, I really hope to help to motivate others in real life. That's my main motivation for starting to write again. One day I hope to be in a huge conference giving an inspiration speech to black women who have been inspired by my books and I promise to shout out "That my friend Toynga one of my very first supporters EVA" and I'll wave one of your candle lit ;o) hi hi hi! Hopefully I don't get sprayed by the sprinklers :o)


    There's so much to be achieved and we are going to have a lot of fun along the way. Woooo go black women :o)


    Will send you the link for the article later tonight!

  • Thanks Toynga, you've given me the encouragement to write a little article around this topic today. I will let you know once it is complete :o) 


    I love to provide inspiration for my ladies, there just so much joy in my heart when I see another black woman achieving here goals, I feel as though there is an invisible string connecting all of us and as one rises we all get lifted at little also. 


    Have a wonderfully productive week!

  • I agree with comfort being an inhibitor of success. A comfort zone means is safety net to most of us but what we fail to release is that it's difficult to get out of the net. Facing new challenges means getting out of the comfort zone, taking a risk, a chance, grasping an opportunity. 


    I fear comfort that is closely aligned to complacency and complacency to lack of action and that to failure.


    There's nothing comfortable about striving to achieve a goal but there is joy in the making of dreams.


    - Taylor 

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