What do you look for as mothers in a daycare,preschool,ealy elementry school program? What are your thoughts on an extended day tutoring program for ages 3-7 that focuses on acedemics in a hands on fun way vs daycares and preschools that do alot more playing.
Thank you! I want to make a huge impact in the Early childhood field. There has been a huge gap left where teachers are not in the field for the love of it anymore, but just for a job and they aren't trying to make it fun anymore kids just play endlessly without any meaning behind it most of the day. Parents dish out hundreds of dollars a month just for them to play and for teachers to socialize with eachother and not teach unless their is a tour coming through, Sad but I hope I can make a change and that my idea catches on
Great question, Amanda. I have an 8 year old and a 10 month old. I like programs that focus on the fun of academics as well as the value of it. I teach English at the collegiate level and I can tell which students were introduced to academics in a fun/creative. hands on way versus none at all because they do not have an imagination. So, keep doing what you are doing and make education fun, but real.