Today's Battles, Tomorrow's StrengthOne of my favorite Southern Baptist preachers, Johnny Hunt, once said that theonly time he ever gets headaches is when he finds himself trying to fighttoday's battles with tomorrow's strength.I think Pastor Johnny was quoting another pastor when he said it. Come to thinkof it, the idea originated with Jesus:"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34God supplies all the strength we need to do all that He's called us to do. ButHe rations this strength much in the same way He rationed manna to the childrenof Israel.He provides sufficient strength each day for the challenges of that day...andthat day only. This strength doesn't carry over from one day to the next. Youeither use it, or lose it.And He will not give you enough strength today for the confrontations,obligations, and challenges of next week, next month, or next year. Thatstrength will be deposited in your account precisely when you need it, and not amoment before.If you're stressed and overwhelmed today, check your strength supply. I'll betyou have enough to get you through this day.And that's all you need for now.