Wanted: A Dream Job

Have you ever wondered what the perfect job would be?

Just letting your mind wander to the possibilities without restrictions, obligations, or geography?

Until few years ago, I still had dreams of being a Dallas Cowboy’s Cheerleader, unfortunately, being fully endowed was not a blessing bestowed upon me!

I would love to know what it feels like to be a successful business owner. Having Clients that pay you for your expertise, Bills paid on time! Great Staff! Featured on Oprah’s show, and being asked to comment in the various Business magazines.

Okay, Okay, back to reality.


With all of the politics in world of Corporate Security, and having to deal with the glass ceiling, how can women become successful business owner?  I have my days where I just want to throw in the towel and become a Wal-Mart door greater. Yeah, I said it, a Wal-Mart door greater.


Wait! Let me think about that one for a second, I am a Sam Walton Emerging Entrepreneurs Award Winner., and I can’t get a Sam Walton small business loan? What’s up with that? Can someone please call Superior Financing for me?


Okay, let me get back to my dream job!


Maybe, being a Wal-Mart door greeter just doesn’t sound that much fun anymore!

Did you know that I am a Count me In, Make Mine a Million 2008 Micro Winner? I must admit, that I become a little envious, when I receive emails that other women of the group have reached the million dollar mark. I sometimes cry, have my pity party, kick myself in the pants and say to myself, “My Day is coming! You Must Believe, You must believe!

Now Remember, I need a new dream job, with, no restrictions, obligations, or geographical practicalities. So with that said, I’ve decided I want to be the person who helps people to get a Secure High Paying JOB, with the Federal Government or Government contractors by having a Security Clearance.


Is that cool or what?


Did you know that the Federal Government will be looking to fill 270,000 jobs?

Did you know that Government Contractors, i.e. Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing have more jobs available, than they can fill? They are looking for people with Security Clearances!

Just think that getting folks back to work will stimulate the economy that would really be cool!


Did you know that buying or shopping at a small woman owed business, will help to stimulate the economy?


I get a warm fuzzy feeling just thinking that I was able to help someone else, by paying it forward.

Would you consider paying it forward and purchase the Step by Step E-book guide on getting a Secure High Paying Job with the federal Government or Government contracts by learning the insider’s secrets to having a Security Clearance, or at least buy it for someone that is unemployed!

Great Stocking Stuffer!


Can you do me one more favor? Pass this on, Tweet it, Digg it, Tech it, Face it, and leave me a comment, I live for them! I really do!


Source. Lanita Moss 12/10/10

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