Where Did the Year Go?

It is hard to believe that it is already October. It seems like it was just last week that it was spring. Now, there are only 77 days until 2010. I can't believe it! Where did the time go? I started to ask myself some thought provoking questions after the initial shock wore off. I asked myself: What is goals do I want to accomplish the rest of the year?How am I making progress towards these goals?Do my goals for the remainder of the year align with my purpose?What situations have I been avoiding to deal with this year?What will be the results if I keep ignoring these situations?These are just a few things that initially ran through my mind. I challenge each of you to do some self reflection. Often we go from day to day on auto pilot. Take a little time to refocus your energy and determine your plan for the rest of year. Let's end 2009 with renewed enthusiasm and energy together!Robin N. WrightA Balanced Life, LLChttp://www.abalancedlifesite.combalancedlifesite@aol.com
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